Email MeChainsaw SculptureMick Burns

Contact Timberweave
High Quality Woven Timber Fencing

If you would like to contact me about commissioning a project then please email me in the first instance, attaching any relevant site-specific pictures. Thank you.

Mick Burns, Manager and Creator.

E-MAIL: or

TELEPHONE: 01673 863306 / MOBILE: 07718 388760

ADDRESS: Timberweave, Chainsaw Sculpture Ltd, Vine Cottage East, Beck Lane, Hackthorn, LINCOLN, LN2 3PH, UK

I am based in rural Lincolnshire, UK, in a picturesque little village called Hackthorn which is situated approx. seven miles north of the city of Lincoln and a mile east of the A15 at the 'Scampton Kink'. As it is such a small village, I am very easily found next-door-but-one to "Forge Arts" on Hackthorn Main Street, on the left hand side if travelling in from the A15.

Where to find me.